Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck, You're Dumb.

If you were under a rock for the last couple weeks, I'll bring you up to speed. Glenn Beck is this guy who has a show on a the notoriously highly conservative Fox News Channel. While every show has its own biases, Beck is a raging 'constitutional' conservative who appeals predominantly to uneducated Midwesterner's - those who believed Obama was Muslim and our nation is more Communist than Red China.

Beck is one of the main champions of the whole 'Tea Party' movement - looking to bring our nation back to it's constitutional roots (whatever that even really means or how they expect to do it, I'm not sure). I can tell you, however, what it looks like - a concert starring Billy Graham, the famed televangelist. As an agnostic (there's not enough evidence to believe or not to believe - just live), I'd rather hear facts, statistics, projections, and solutions. The rally seemed to be about condemnation of those 'evil politicians' and prayer for divine intervention to remedy our nation's issues. In short, a lot of BS.

To be honest, the guy in the video below maybe was one of the clearer messages of the day. While he is arguably, or most probably insane, his message was most the most defined and genuine of the day. All we need is love.

Enough about Beck. He's a dummy. But being apart of the Nation's political fabric has been amazing.

In other news from the weekend, myself, Scott and his family went to the National's game as my birthday gift. The stadium is smaller than others. However, whatever it lacks in size it makes up for in style.

After the game, we took the Metro back to Foggy Bottom and bar hopped our way back home. After stepping into 51st, a guy saw our St. Louis hats and bought us a round of drinks as a consolation. He was this mega-entrepreneur that was buying a restaurant in DC and owned others all over the East Coast.

Seeing our own entrepreneurial potential, Scott and I have decided to start our own reusable grocery bag company. Sounds ridiculous? It might be, but we've already purchased over 100 bags to be customized, so there is no looking back. More info to come.

Friday, August 27, 2010

T-Minus 2 Hrs. To First Week Mission Complete

The last few days have been exhausting, illuminating, and intense to say the least.

To those who compulsively check my blog (Ryan Flanagan), my apologies for the inability to post in the last few days. I'll make sure to get back on the proverbial 'horse' this weekend.

As for now, I'm busy saving the world. . .one edited letter and phone answered at a time. Enjoy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

District of 'Bro'lumbia

Bro's + District of Columbia = (roughly) District of 'Bro'lumbia. Its simple math. But it was the sum of our weekend House Warming Extravaganza.

Our weekend began on Friday evening at Union Station, D.C's main train terminal, to pick up Derek. . . because we were afraid that the city would have swallowed his soul on the way to our place. . . or that he would get lost. Either outcomes were possible to occur.

However, the station was very impressive. Grandiose architecture featuring Greecian type figures definitely transported you to somewhere else, but the Barnes and Nobles brought you right back.

After catching the bus back to our place, we met up with Sam and Adam patiently waiting at our front door. After warm embraces and a few tears, we headed out for the night to the local watering holes. It goes without saying that we went hard, had a great time, and paid for it dearly the next morning.

To gauge our actions on the night, Derek's mind and body were in such a place that he was able to fall asleep on this 4 foot long wooden bench.

The next morning, while we all beared our crosses in the form of splitting headaches, we headed down the street to Tu-Oh-Tu Cafe where breakfast sandwiches were inhaled. Immediately, it was off to the Air and Space Museum. Above is the crew doing a shoot for the Ronald Reagan Building for International Trade called "juxtapose" to be featured in their monthly report. After marveling at jets, rockets, and other guy stuff, we headed uptown to the National Zoo.

Scott and Sam enthralled by a sea slug.

Pictured above is the majestic Silver Back Guerilla.

The following story is a first-hand, real account of a happening within the animal kingdom that is only appropriate for mature audiences. You've been cautioned.

As our last stop on the Zoo tour, we enter the primate house. Featured is a pack/family/whatever of Silver Back Guerillas. A female quietly naps in a tree, peaking one eye open every now and then to watch her baby, who climbs about. As he reaches the top of the tree, he looks out into the crowd and humans and slaps his hand onto the window and licks the glass as to elicit a response from the spectators who instantly, in unison, say "awwwwwwww."

Then, Dad comes out. A 400 pound, broad shouldered, house of an ape.

"Woah, I wonder how much he benches?"

"Definitely, a lot."

The ape then turned his back to the crowd, sitting on the edge of an embankment. With everyone still marveling the beast, he begins to 'pee' down the side of the embankment. Adults laugh, small children squeal "ewwwww."

Then the ape proceeds to, what appears to be, scratching his butt. Again same response from the crowd. However, he was not scratching his butt.

It was #2. As each 'turd' exits the animal, he carefully collects the nugget in his hand as they pass. At this point, the crowd is going insane. Some families, the Dugger's in the place, begin to shield their children's eyes and evacuate. But most stay put, enthralled at what is taking place.

After collecting his excriment, the broad-backed guerilla turns around to face the glass. After surveying the audience through the glass, he ever so carefully tosses one the 'poop' nuggets INTO HIS MOUTH. I said, INTO HIS MOUTH!!!

He begins to methodically chew away at his snack, chunk by chunk, until he looks down at his hand and none remain. Just as any human who finished the last of the crummy potatoes chips, he dusts his hand off on his lap and begins to walk back towards his den.

Just as you thought the worst was over, a small on-looking chimp thrust both of its hands toward the ground and THREW UP EVERYWHERE. As he began to slurp his upchuck back up, the place could not have emptied out any faster.

At this point, the enclosed area - which already smelled of feces - made everyone incredibly nauseous, clearly exhibited on all bystanders faces. The doors opened, and people flooded out like the building was on fire.

I'm truly sorry if this story was overwhelming. The weekend in total was great, but it would have been poor journalistic integrity not to report what I saw. All of it.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Ladies and Gentleman, I am one step closer to total world domination. As of Thursday, August 19th, I have accepted an offer to work on Capitol Hill in the support of an esteemed Congressman's legislative procedures and constituent aid.

Effective immediately, I am the red, white and blue. I am George Washington, John Adams, and Abraham Lincoln COMBINED - firing toward the Moon at a million miles an hour between Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. I am a Bald Eagle with talons bared. I am fireworks on the Fourth of July and more American than apple pie.

Oh, also. . . I am a lowly intern.

For a refresher on Capitol Hill:

My explanation: As described, Capitol Hill is where I want to be. However, if you don't have pre-existing connections, forget about a paid position. Nearly everyone makes their way by putting in their dues as an intern, first. So that is what I shall do. And I couldn't be any happier to.

But money doesn't grow on trees and if it did, I would probably know because they would most likely be in Georgetown from the looks of local residents. So, I found gainful employment through my gym, Washington Sports Club. Although the whole thing is still in process and I have not yet begun, I am a 'Welcome Team Member' - aka I swipe your card, smile, hand you a towel and exclaim "Enjoy your workout!" But for being down the street, free gym membership, beautiful clientèle, and decent pay, I can't complain.

Lastly, I went on my last 'Craigslistventure'. Thats one word. Contacted a stranger per usual, went to her place (where she had her 'man parts' shaped candle) with Scott and picked up this chair and ottoman for 35 bones!

All in all, a hugely successful week. Stay tuned for the recap of the weekend on Monday where I'll record the debauchery to occur this weekend as the "bros" come to town.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 1 W.D. (With Direction)

After a turbulent Friday, in the wake of decisions having been made, we set out on the great hunt for (cheap) libations. While coming upon Dixie liquor near Georgetown U., we knew we had to capitalize upon our location of cost efficient resources. With only our bikes in tow, I had to make due. With a few bungee cords, many rubber necker's waiting for my apparently ensuing demise (i.e. beer flooding the streets), and a few cheers, we made it back to the pad, drinks in hand.

Then there is issue #2. Scott was thirsty for ever classic h20, but as the result of our poor communication, all the glasses currently at our house are the size of thimbles. And while all of those are dirty, again we make due. A bowl works just as fine.

The rest of weekend was filled with meeting more friends out for drinks, seeing another from home, and seeing a move before 12 on a Saturday. It's pretty much the life. However, if you have a soul, 'Dinner for Schmucks' isn't all fun and games. Maybe it was the hang over induced depression, but we walked away feeling like we needed to help old ladies, or something to balance out the bad karma.

So. Today. Monday. Day 1 with Direction. Currently planning out cover letters to submit with resume to the Congressmen of my choice, brushing up on history, as well current issues. And while it sounds terribly boring, I feel like its building in a non-depreciable direction. Cool.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

You're going up for an interview.

And for my final act of the week, I pull up to the Columbia Building for my interview with Travelex. Walking past the new age illuminated glass sculptures jutting from the bamboo hardwood floor, I get to the front desk where a short, mentally handicapped woman (politically correct enough?) looks at my ID and instructs me to sign the book. She walks me to the elevator bank and with her head cocked to the side and her eyes squinting through her coke bottle glasses she says frankly, "So, you're going up for an interview." I ask light heartedly, "Is it that obvious?" Missing my sarcasm somewhere along the way, she whips back with all seriousness, "Yes."

I get into the elevator, wherein the Merill-Lynch has had their bull insignia engraved into the elevator buttons for their floor. Get to the top floor, meet with my contact, and he walks me back to a board room. It was an office of 250 people, on 'casual Friday' still looking incredibly miserable - even in jeans. The interview was less than enlightening, and solidified the decision I made earlier in the day.

I'm taking this to the Hill.

I don't know if I can blame it on my studies in philosophy or what, but I need to feel that my professional life is answering some higher calling than my manager's pockets. So while my agnostic beliefs wouldn't necessarily fit the priesthood, I'm turning to serve our country through Capitol Hill where hopefully my abilities/personality be of use our legislative system.

After meeting with my representatives Chief of Staff, I developed a general plan of action and for once through out this post-college confusion I've got a confident direction. Wish me luck.

23inDC Soundtrack:

Wale with some local talent.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Its the end of the night, and Scott and I are finally retiring to our respective beds. Tomorrow morning is yet another 'big day.' Scott has an interview with the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, wherein he would be a 'Bookstore Director,' where he would manage the daily operations of the storefront to the report and also contribute to their publication in the form of book reviews, etc. My first venture of the day will be meeting with the Chief of Staff of the Honorable Charlie Dent, representative of PA's 15th District. After groveling for an unpaid internship of some sort and the ability to run around in a suit in the capitol, I move on to my later appointment with Travelex Co., who are a financial institution specializing in international transactions, with whom I would be analyst #9948473838392-11B. . . or something. In all honesty, it could be an amazing opportunity, hence the reason I am scheduled for the interview.

So while we have all this in the works with just a little over a week fully transplanted in DC, I look over to tell Scott in a regulation 'pillow chat' session.

Aaron: I wish we could have just went out tonight, woke up and went to our respective jobs.

Scott: Well, that could be next week. . .

And with that statement, the perspective of our current situation comes into light.

I love black and white, and and what we have had has been nothing but grey. God willing, next week will provide some black, or even white. But chances are. . . grey will remain in the forecast. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Being Poor

If you're not a trust fund baby, had a huge paper route, vending machine monopoly, or any other large source of income during your schooling, its weird to leave the nest and begin some type of accountability for your own money.

We have began a few measures to extend our funds in the last week, as we understand that to find a job we really want - we most probably will have one in the interim that we don't.

While Scott's plan is to become "Seafood Specialist" at Whole Foods (He applied, I'm not joking) I have taken to Craigslist, hard. As per usual, listed under "free" some person was giving away such a random assortment of materials that he was sure to be a rapist/murderer. Who gives away "a 3 whole punch, 4ft by 18in mirror, and a can opener"? Regardless, I am poor so the I bit on the mirror thing and he only lived a couple blocks away so why not?

Well I get there promptly at 6, on the "first come first serve" basis. Nobody answers. At 6:03, the 30 something creeper (as pictured below) shows up and . . waits with me? He tells me how his girlfriend asked him to get a mirror, etc. - A SOB STORY! As I am privy to such tools myself, I saw through it and stood my ground. But at 6:20, I decided to respect myself just an ounce and walk away.

So while the aforementioned action might have been 'slumming', theres no way that I'll let luxury escape my life. Below I present my culinary masterpiece I call (one word) "1 cheese 4 pretzels 1 Pickle." If you've never heard of such a thing before, it probably means you don't stay at the Ritz.

As for career search, I will have had three meetings this week. Two of which are with Search Firms regarding various positions and my aspirations within DC. Friday, I'm taking this show to. . . Capitol Hill!? More updates later.

In other news, tonight we're doing adult things and having a dinner party with friends. Whats for dinner you ask? Another round of "1 cheese 4 pretzel 1 pickle"? Don't mind if I do!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Great Reveal

Cutting Straight to the chase: The following is the much anticipated preview of our humble abode. Enjoy.

Notice the dresser? The girl was one of the many people I emailed, only to be immediately shot down. However, the guy never came to pick it up so it was ours for the taking. After the generous help from our friend Dan, and a truck lent to us by a Sergeant of the Arlington Police Department (Dan's brother-in-law), we went east of the Capitol to pick up the beaut.

Last night we had our first sample of the DC nightlife, so my body is a little ruined at this point. I'll share more tomorrow, but generally sentiment right now is that I love this city.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

You'd think that if someone posted a dresser on Craiglist at 10:55, and you responded by 11:00, that it would be yours. Not true. I've attempted to gain furniture for us with the same unlucky misses happening regularly. I've even included sob stories about being "recent graduates desperate for furniture" etc. . . and all I get is sincere apologies, which coming from faceless Craigslister's almost guilts me. Almost.

My grandmother is supposedly praying for me because she thinks I'll become lonely/overwhelmed/alcoholic/unemployed in the city. The last of which isn't so bad. Gram, if you could focus your prayers towards a free dresser, around 8 drawers, and 60'long in dark brown or black, that would be much appreciated.

On a positive note, the above pile has been long deconstructed. The place is really coming together, but not yet enough for the great reveal. Stay tuned.

This is a shot from around the hood. Everyone's familiar with "Cake Boss" on TLC - the show where obnoxious New Jersey-ites make outlandish cakes and bitch about it? Well, TLC has done the same for two sisters who sell expensive cupcakes in Georgetown. Since the show has aired, the line goes up and around the block. With an estimated wait time of 45 minutes. If the hundreds of people in that line volunteered their times towards the fight for cancer, we would probably have a cure. Actually, probably not - because they were dumb enough to stand in that line when the temp was over 100 degrees.

Although us young professionals are relentless in our pursuit of becoming the biggest of players in the game, some downtime is required. Pictured is Scott and our high tech entertainment system playing a Digital Video Disc, or DVD as it is commonly known.

Otherwise, the morning has been spent job searching, networking, and caffeine high's and low's. Till later.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome Home

Brief Overview:


7:00 AM - Leave for DC
10:30 AM - Arrive to French Woman Still Occupying our pad and sauna like temperatures created by her drying clothes.
2:00 PM - Leave to check into Washington Marriott after hours of move-in cleaning/organizing.
5:00 PM- Bring family to Ethiopian restaurant to eat piles of mush with our fingers.
5:30 PM- Assess degrading stomach situation.
6:00 PM- Show fam' the 'hood
9:30PM- Return to Hotel


10:00AM - Can't find breakfast joint before checking out National Mall
11:00AM - National Mall and Barry Obama's house
2:00PM- Apartment Organizing
4:00PM - Parent's Leave, Dad gets emotional per usual

4:01- Ceremonial "No Parents" Dance and Celebratory Beer

As the apartment is not yet 100%, I'll share the pics showing the place before our design genius was thrown upon the empty canvas of architectural magnificence.

Scott's Room

My Room with door exiting to our sweet brick patio

Kitchen - Hello 1987. But with Dishwasher and big frige, we can't complain.

Bathroom. Medusa shower head has since been replaced with posh metal piece, providing 5 different showering spray types.

And the living room.

The photos don't show much, nor do they display it in a great light, but its a hell of a place in an amazing part of the city. More photos to come of the exterior/patio/redesigned interior/expensive cupcakes, et cetera. As for now, I have to go talk in a deep voice on the phone and act like an adult so I can get a job to pay for it all.