Bro's + District of Columbia = (roughly) District of 'Bro'lumbia. Its simple math. But it was the sum of our weekend House Warming Extravaganza.
Our weekend began on Friday evening at Union Station, D.C's main train terminal, to pick up Derek. . . because we were afraid that the city would have swallowed his soul on the way to our place. . . or that he would get lost. Either outcomes were possible to occur.
However, the station was very impressive. Grandiose architecture featuring Greecian type figures definitely transported you to somewhere else, but the Barnes and Nobles brought you right back.
After catching the bus back to our place, we met up with Sam and Adam patiently waiting at our front door. After warm embraces and a few tears, we headed out for the night to the local watering holes. It goes without saying that we went hard, had a great time, and paid for it dearly the next morning.
To gauge our actions on the night, Derek's mind and body were in such a place that he was able to fall asleep on this 4 foot long wooden bench.
The next morning, while we all beared our crosses in the form of splitting headaches, we headed down the street to Tu-Oh-Tu Cafe where breakfast sandwiches were inhaled. Immediately, it was off to the Air and Space Museum. Above is the crew doing a shoot for the Ronald Reagan Building for International Trade called "juxtapose" to be featured in their monthly report. After marveling at jets, rockets, and other guy stuff, we headed uptown to the National Zoo.
Scott and Sam enthralled by a sea slug.
Pictured above is the majestic Silver Back Guerilla.
The following story is a first-hand, real account of a happening within the animal kingdom that is only appropriate for mature audiences. You've been cautioned.
As our last stop on the Zoo tour, we enter the primate house. Featured is a pack/family/whatever of Silver Back Guerillas. A female quietly naps in a tree, peaking one eye open every now and then to watch her baby, who climbs about. As he reaches the top of the tree, he looks out into the crowd and humans and slaps his hand onto the window and licks the glass as to elicit a response from the spectators who instantly, in unison, say "awwwwwwww."
Then, Dad comes out. A 400 pound, broad shouldered, house of an ape.
"Woah, I wonder how much he benches?"
"Definitely, a lot."
The ape then turned his back to the crowd, sitting on the edge of an embankment. With everyone still marveling the beast, he begins to 'pee' down the side of the embankment. Adults laugh, small children squeal "ewwwww."
Then the ape proceeds to, what appears to be, scratching his butt. Again same response from the crowd. However, he was not scratching his butt.
It was #2. As each 'turd' exits the animal, he carefully collects the nugget in his hand as they pass. At this point, the crowd is going insane. Some families, the Dugger's in the place, begin to shield their children's eyes and evacuate. But most stay put, enthralled at what is taking place.
After collecting his excriment, the broad-backed guerilla turns around to face the glass. After surveying the audience through the glass, he ever so carefully tosses one the 'poop' nuggets INTO HIS MOUTH. I said, INTO HIS MOUTH!!!
He begins to methodically chew away at his snack, chunk by chunk, until he looks down at his hand and none remain. Just as any human who finished the last of the crummy potatoes chips, he dusts his hand off on his lap and begins to walk back towards his den.
Just as you thought the worst was over, a small on-looking chimp thrust both of its hands toward the ground and THREW UP EVERYWHERE. As he began to slurp his upchuck back up, the place could not have emptied out any faster.
At this point, the enclosed area - which already smelled of feces - made everyone incredibly nauseous, clearly exhibited on all bystanders faces. The doors opened, and people flooded out like the building was on fire.
I'm truly sorry if this story was overwhelming. The weekend in total was great, but it would have been poor journalistic integrity not to report what I saw. All of it.
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