Saturday, August 14, 2010

You're going up for an interview.

And for my final act of the week, I pull up to the Columbia Building for my interview with Travelex. Walking past the new age illuminated glass sculptures jutting from the bamboo hardwood floor, I get to the front desk where a short, mentally handicapped woman (politically correct enough?) looks at my ID and instructs me to sign the book. She walks me to the elevator bank and with her head cocked to the side and her eyes squinting through her coke bottle glasses she says frankly, "So, you're going up for an interview." I ask light heartedly, "Is it that obvious?" Missing my sarcasm somewhere along the way, she whips back with all seriousness, "Yes."

I get into the elevator, wherein the Merill-Lynch has had their bull insignia engraved into the elevator buttons for their floor. Get to the top floor, meet with my contact, and he walks me back to a board room. It was an office of 250 people, on 'casual Friday' still looking incredibly miserable - even in jeans. The interview was less than enlightening, and solidified the decision I made earlier in the day.

I'm taking this to the Hill.

I don't know if I can blame it on my studies in philosophy or what, but I need to feel that my professional life is answering some higher calling than my manager's pockets. So while my agnostic beliefs wouldn't necessarily fit the priesthood, I'm turning to serve our country through Capitol Hill where hopefully my abilities/personality be of use our legislative system.

After meeting with my representatives Chief of Staff, I developed a general plan of action and for once through out this post-college confusion I've got a confident direction. Wish me luck.

23inDC Soundtrack:

Wale with some local talent.

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