Friday, March 18, 2011


Great to see Adrienne.  After a dinner from my kitchen (aka Chipotle) we head out on the town for a while, being condescending towards St. Patricks Day and its related festivities.

Just drink, who needs an excuse. Especially one from a country that 9/10 of those wearing the most green couldn't even pick out on a map.

With that being said, on my way to party. Philadelphia for the weekend with Derek, Siner, and the Zoubs.  Excited to escape NW DC and get into something 'real' for just a little.

So off I go, on the second story of the double decker Megabus. Round trip, 30 bones.... not too shabby.

The kid behind me saw a two story McDonalds as we left the city. With the gaining popularity of double decker buses, he applauded their ingenuity of starting the process towards a second story drive through.

Apparently, the wave of the future.

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