Tuesday, December 28, 2010

'Happy Holidays' is for the terrorists.

Merry Christmas.

My apologies for the blogging sabatical. A few things are running against it.

- I don't want to lose my job. I'm still in the probationary period, so not being signed for offenses related to blogging would be the ultimate in stupidity.

-I don't know what to say. Literally. I'm confused as to what this whole working thing is supposed to be.

-Adam said, Derek's mom gets more comments on a trip to the grocery store than does this blog. Discouraging, yet true. Genevieve can stunt.

-Blogging as anything other a way to let people who want to know how you are and generally care about you is narcissistic.

I could furnish more excuses, but Im going to get off the bus instead.

See you on the other side of the worst of the fake holidays, New Years!

There are many more excuses I could furnish.

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