Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Sick of the Ninja Turtle"

Have some pride in your work, a friend says.  While he is referring to the blog, I have to say that the general sentiment has been remiss from my day job as well.

  23 in DC was all 'shits and giggles' until the ruling gavel of 'the man' decided I would be strapped to a desk - my life to be consumed by spread sheets and bull shit.  There's no denying, I don't like what I do. Previously, I was hesitant to say so, but the readership of the blog is back down to approx. 5 people who know this is my current situation anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I've been having a great time outside of work.  I can't remember the last free weekend and weekdays have been mostly the gym, live music, or Trader Joes.  Not a bad deal.

However, its sickening how much time one must spend at work.  If you dont feel satisfied with what you do, then god speed because its a super bitch (compared to if you do enjoy your work, in which case, best scenario, it will be your garden variety run of the mill bitch... which is do-able)

Not one to turn over and die, Im currently studying for the GRE and have a plan to air lift my ass into greener pastures.

In the near future, two out of three of my jewish friends will be coming to DC this weeknd and it will be a great time - and cost effective if Jeremy has anything to do with it. 

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