Saturday, October 30, 2010


Im too tired/hungry/cold to come up with something witty enough to detract from how tacky the above is.  Regardless, Im in CA. And all I need is a 5 hr. Energy to get the juices flowing for tonight.

Carly Fiorina for Senate

Thats the race I have chosen to support as election day comes ever near. Why you may ask have I selected a candidate for Senate from California? Her flying me out, putting me up in a hotel, and paying for pretty much all  expenses definitely had something to do with it.

After hopping in a cab at 4:45, Im now sitting at Dulles waiting for my flight to Dallas, Tx y'all.

I'm struggling with a few things, currently. First, why is this money being dumped on to me? Secondly, is this real life? Search 'david after the dentist' on if you missed the reference.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Belly of a New Beast

Inside the US Chamber of Commerce, ready to explain to someone as to why they should chose me over the other pokemon. An interview.

I havent done this in a while, yet it feels more comfortable than ever before.

Good, it  better.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sam - A Special Report

One of the soldiers amongst my rank has taken on the venture of teaching English to those baguette loving, skinny cigarette smoking, barrette wearing, stinky French children. The following is the account of his experience to date. Enjoy. I did.

Hello Everyone,

I am currently on a high speed train that just left Paris’ Gare du Nord headed towards the Belgian city of Brussels, home of the European Union, to begin my 12 day vacation. At the end of October every year, the French Educational System feels obliged to provide its teachers this period of freedom, also known as vacannes de Tout-Saint, as an escape from the pimply, hormonal, face-sucking french youth. As the northern French countryside zips by while the sun ricochets into my eyes from the adjacent French girl’s pocket mirror, I sit here with a peculiar feeling. Only three weeks ago I arrived here in France, and if my calculations are correct, I’ve managed to have worked only 8 of the 13 days which I was assigned to teach. Im not complaining, I get paid and I still get to retain my allotted vacation time.

If you’re thinking that being able to work only 60% of your mandatory schedule is a bargain, think again. Some of my english speaking colleagues haven’t even met all of their classes. For an explanation to this bizarre phenomenon, look no further than the European section of BBC website or any other news disseminator. President Sarkozy, known as “Sarko” or “Carla Bruny’s husband”, and his cronies have proposed a law that would push the official retirement age back two years from 60 to 62. Now that the law is soon to be voted on, and expected to pass, by the National Assembly and the Senate, the unions over here have mobilized. The three most noticeable retaliations are being conducted by transport (Bus, Railroad) officials, oil refineries in Marseille, and students. The consequences of the strikes being undertaken by transport officials is rather predictable: trains and buses not running on or smooth schedule or at all. The work of a very small percentage of disgruntled workers who maintain the oil refineries of the coast of Marseille have effectively stopped the production of petrol, therefore blocking its passage to French engines. The VAST majority of gas stations across France had to put plastic bags over their pumps, and put signs up declaring a rupture of gasoline. The implications could be very severe. Several of my co-workers didn’t show up to work on the Wednesday and Thursday before I left due to the fact there isn’t enough in their tanks. AND FINALLY, the students... My students have gone on strike several days, a few of which they were joined by their instructors. However, my school has managed to keep the strikes very minimal in comparison to other schools located in the larger cities. In Paris and Lyon, the students have finally brought out their keffias, hoodies, and skinny jeans and have begun a series of completely disorganized skirmishes with the French police.

The student strikes at my school have been somewhat hysterical and enormously pathetic. The students block the entrances with moveable gates and trash cans, and begin their political chants at roughly 8 AM. When cars go by the honk and the students scream with joy. At 12, they all put their signs down and go inside to the school canteen for lunch. Each student takes their bowl of mixed greens, their hot main dish, a side dish, a side of cheese, slices of baguette, a piece of fruit, and the choice of a yogurt or desert. Lunch will last for about an hour or an hour and a half; no rush though. Then its back to the entrances, but not before having some nice warm coffee.

But anyways, the days I have taught have been very enjoyable. The classes have all seem to taken a liking to me, some more than others. Its interesting to see how timid the students are when it comes to speaking English. The French education system, as well as the seemingly universal, cold nature of French teachers, have made most students embrace silence rather than speaking up and making a mistake. The French have certainly done their students a disservice.

I must admit, this email seems to be the most difficult I’ve ever written in terms of being able to write English in a fluid, accurate manner. Even though its slightly frustrating right now, Im taking it as a good sign; that my mind is more accustomed too processing french. With the exception of speaking english in class, I use French all the time with my teachers, my roommates, and sometimes with my students. I listen the radio in French. I just finished my first roman, and have started reading Zola.

Were arriving at Bruxelles station now, so Im gonna wrap this up. Ill send this email when I get to the hostel.


p.s. just arrived at the hotel to discover that sarkozy has unblocked the refineries. im watching a muted television, but it looks like there was a lot of violence. stretchers and a body bag if im not mistaken. as you can see, the situation is pretty grave here now.

p.p.s looks like the senate passed the reform treaty too.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Like propaganda, except about Jack.

Get it?

But really, Jack.  How uncomfortable is it to have Janet Morgan Riggs' hand that far up your....?

I might tattoo that picture on my chest. Still debating.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outa here

Heading home for the last of the pinky saga. 

My hearts beating out of my chest from all the coffee, diet coke, and Taco Bell the Republican National Committe fuels us with to be their political automotons.

But its what's going  to happen if I want to push this Capitol Hill game as far as I can take it.  You work on a campaign, connections made, incumbent booted from office, and then your absorbed off the street as someone who was there before success.

I will soon report the length of the 'absorbtion' process, which is dismally long and uninsured at best.

But only so much can be done before my stop on the blue line.


Anyone who's recently graduated. To anyone who's accepted a position and is insecure about their path. To anyone who's not yet employed and is uncertain of their future.  I say, good. 

Lets get it all out of system sooner rather than later, right?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This guy.

This is insane.

No one that is awake knows this 30 something dude.  There is no other way to put this.

There is a guy. Sleeping in Phil's house. No one knows him.

Marc. Are you serious?

Friday, October 15, 2010

The 'burbs.

Second attempt at posting. Pic is blurry, so am I. Heading out to burbs. I would only do this for the one and only co-owner of my long time home and lawn company, forever friend Marc.  

This shall be some type of weekend.

The Countdown: Pinky's Return to Normalcy

Week three. How far you have come pinky, yet how ugly you are.  I await the day that you shall rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


The Pennsylvania State Society.

Free drinks, shameless hob nobbing, dont mind if I do!

The society rented out a great space near gallery place in DC. A lot of people from 'home' as I now generally accept people from PA to be now that I'm the Cap City.

Till a sober later.

The Belly of the Beast

It has been a few days since I have updated, but all for good reason.  The great job search has yet again come into full swing. Blogging has fallen way to such great past times as "great,I'll forward you my resume" and "phone tag-a-thons." 

Such shameless acts of networking has recently afforded me the opportunity to dive down into the belly of the capitalist beast - the Republic National Committee HQ. 

I'll explain soon. In the mean time,  off to preparefor the PA State Reception. 



Saturday, October 9, 2010


"I was never into that 'hey everybody naked in the shower' type of thing. That was always you guys and your 'hey, im cool with my sexuality'".

"do you blog from your phone? You a#$hole"

Also, saw my college professor out qt the bars tonight engaging in some scandeluous/ simply human activities. More on it later.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Scott received a post card from our alma mater after they had called, asking for a donation.  He declined, as he is unemployed. However, putting Jacks ugly mug on the card does make you want to give money to someone of misfortune.

To those friends abroad.

Miss and love you, Jack.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

23 In DC Soundtrack

Band of Horses. I'm not sure about the video, but I prescribe listening to the song at night, in car or by foot, but most definitely under street lights. Don't comment until you try. You'll feel as 'deep' as the biggest hipster Brooklyn (or H St. for those Washingtonians) has to offer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I don't like that saying. At all.

Maybe its the black and white application of logic that I, for better or worse, use to make sense of the world that turns me off to such a plainly contradictory statement.  But how far can logic get you in understanding life anyway?

Example: Everyone wants their life to be different in some way. Whether its money, power, location, job, et cetera, we want a change to occur in atleast a small facet of our lives.

So logically, when you think change would equal happiness and change occurs, you should be happy. A classic logical proof.

So as it always does, change occurs.  Its the only thing thats ever stays the same. And what we find, is that we miss the past.  Budhists have a great way to deal with the aforementioned effect; Don't become attached to anything if your only going to suffer when its gone.

As this is being published on my phone from atop an exercise ball, I have lost my train of thought entirely.

There was some intelligent conclusion regarding our return to Gettysburg College alumni weekend and my sentiments as to being implanted into my past.

But all I really can come to think or now is that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pwn nwbs

Being poor, pt. 3?

First, we brought you 1 pickle, 1 cheese, 4 pretzels. Then we brought you cheese lollies. Now, we are proud to present banana-peanut butter-brownie-honey panini. On wheat of course, because without your health what are you?